A highly importrant seal of Fulcher of Angoulême, patriarch of Jerusalem
Los 598
Fulcher of Angoulême, patriarch of Jerusalem, 1146-1157. Seal (Lead, 39 mm, 47.65 g, 12 h). H / ANAC-TA/CIC ('The Resurrection') Christ in center, wearing cross-nimbus and holding a patriarchal cross in his left hand, advancing to right, about to raise Eve, who is kneeling behind him; behind her, Adam standing to right; to right, two kneeling figures (Kings David and Solomon?) on small base. Rev. FVLCHERIVS / SCЄ RЄSVRREC/TIONIS ЄCCLЄSI/AE PATRIAR/CHA ('Fulcher, patriarch of the church of the Holy Resurrection') in five lines with cross pattée between two stars above; to left of the last line, cruciform pattern of pellets. Apparently unpublished, but cf. Künker 295 (2017), 1284 for a similar example from a different boulloterion. A highly important seal of great historical interest. Somewhat smoothed, otherwise, good very fine.

Fulcher (or Fulk) of Angoulême arrived in Jerusalem in 1131, where he became the canon of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre before being appointed archbishop of Tyre in 1134. He was eventually consecrated as patriarch of Jerusalem in 1146 and became one of the supreme leaders of the Latin crusader states, taking part in sieges and battles and negotiating between the various kings and princes. In 1153, Fulcher carried the relic of the True Cross during the Siege of Ascalon, which resulted in the capture of the fortress by the crusaders, delivering a serious blow to Fatimid Egypt. When the patriarch died in 1157, he was apparently almost a hundred years old, and his younger contemporary William of Tyre describes him in hindsight as 'religious and God-fearing, possessed of little learning, but a faithful man and a lover of discipline.'
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